Thursday, November 13, 2008

1337 Speak

I just found out SMS stands for Short Message Service.

Yes, I know, I'm obviously dumb. Obviously.

Acronyms have become pervasive in our everyday language that the real meanings behind them are soon to be lost. I can't think of any examples right now, which severely cripples my argument, but once I do, I will add them in fosho.

This reminds me of how yesterday in CIS 120, my TA was saying how "Regular Expressions" in Python has been shortened to the oh so cool "leetspeak" of 'regex' as well as the harder to say 'RegExp'. There was one 40-year old woman in the lab at the time and after class she asked a question and after my TA answered it, she said "oh like leetspeak?" He had to explain to her that it was merely a joke.

Ah, got to love the communication gap between generations. I wish I could make up my own language and people would learn it. Way to be exclusive, Aditi, way to be exclusive!

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