Sunday, June 29, 2008

Things To Do Next Year

Plan to Maximize the 08-09 School Year
- do more extracurriculars
- develop hobbies
- meet more people
- not watch TV
- get straight A's
- go through OCR (on campus recruiting) or get internship at google
- more leadership positions
- start an outside comp sci project
- join the indian activities
- be more outgoing
- be louder and more outspoken
- get to know professors of my classes and visit office hours and sit in the front row!!!
- go to the gym AT LEAST 3x per week

Monday, June 16, 2008

Day 5: I am a liar


That's right; I'm always failing. You can throw a big piece of cow dung at my face because I am a liar. I said I would update daily, and you know what, I only stayed true to my word for one day. Jeez, pretty pathetic. At this rate, I'll die before I become a new person.

But the really sad part is that I've thought about updating every day but just haven't been able to get my lazy fat ass to type. Although, if my ass started typing, I think it would be incomprehensible either way...but hey, illegible is better than nonexistent. (This is not an excuse however for anyone to blog while drunk. No, that is just a crime against humanity. Please spare your poor readers.)


I spent a good chunk of time tonight adding lists to my account on as well as to I felt inspired by reading all the 1001 (fill in blank) Before I Die lists. Movies to watch, books to read, things to do, places to go, games to play, food to eat, you name it--there is a "Before I Die" list for it. I think I would feel a big sense of accomplishment if I could ever check off in entirety any one of those lists. But then there are the people who say that following a list is boring, thoughtless, defeats the purpose of living, isn't individualistic, blahity blah blah.

I haven't made up my mind about whether that is true; I'm just lazy to make my own list. Also, I'm greedy about experiencing everything there is. Though this seems like it's going to be a lot of work, ya know, finishing 5,299,034,582 (approximation) movies, books, meals, places, conversations, blog entries, sentences, and nonsense pancakes.

Now tell me something I don't know.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 1: Summer of Doing Things Right

Hi. I am Aditi and this is the not-so beginning of the summer where I actually do things right.

I feel that I have lost sight of the big picture this last year and this is an attempt to get my head straight so I can do and achieve the things that I want to, instead of wallowing in a mixture of self-hate and self-pity for the state that I am in now.

Here are my end-of-summer goals in no particular order:
- Lose 15 pounds
- Kick out the laziness and TV habits
- Refresh and revive my programming skills (Java, C, Ajax, VBA)
- Outline extracurricular goals
- Get an A in CIS 260
- Finish SPUR successfully
- Finish at least one Facebook application (CollegeApps?)
- Revamp
- Get some writing.

So, this is the summer where I actually do things right: going to the gym, eating healthy, not watching TV, getting motivated and interested, just be good. I have to admit I'm not on all that good of a start.

This blog will probably not be read by anyone, which is fine. I like it that way better in fact; it's private, intimate, and more supportive. I don't need to impress anyone so I can just be me in the raw.

That is why, this will be a daily updated journal, chronicling the musings, struggles, and interests of a different kind of girl. Read with your own caution.