Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 1: Summer of Doing Things Right

Hi. I am Aditi and this is the not-so beginning of the summer where I actually do things right.

I feel that I have lost sight of the big picture this last year and this is an attempt to get my head straight so I can do and achieve the things that I want to, instead of wallowing in a mixture of self-hate and self-pity for the state that I am in now.

Here are my end-of-summer goals in no particular order:
- Lose 15 pounds
- Kick out the laziness and TV habits
- Refresh and revive my programming skills (Java, C, Ajax, VBA)
- Outline extracurricular goals
- Get an A in CIS 260
- Finish SPUR successfully
- Finish at least one Facebook application (CollegeApps?)
- Revamp
- Get some writing.

So, this is the summer where I actually do things right: going to the gym, eating healthy, not watching TV, getting motivated and interested, just be good. I have to admit I'm not on all that good of a start.

This blog will probably not be read by anyone, which is fine. I like it that way better in fact; it's private, intimate, and more supportive. I don't need to impress anyone so I can just be me in the raw.

That is why, this will be a daily updated journal, chronicling the musings, struggles, and interests of a different kind of girl. Read with your own caution.

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